Resources | Resistor Performance
Frequency Response
The frequency response of a chip resistor is primarily determined by its inductive and capacitive properties and is nearly ideal into the GHz region. The interelectrode capacitance of our resistors is typically 0.05 to 0.12 picofarads. The actual value is determined by the size of the chip (smaller case sizes have lower capacitance) and the termination style (planar, style A, devices have lower capacitance than wraparound, style C, devices). Inductance is typically less than 0.5 nanohenries, with the same design influences as listed for the capacitance values of the chips.
Operating Range
State of the Art, Inc. resistor products have a wide operating range, from cryogenic temperatures to 150°C. Permanent drift occurs when the resistors are operated above 150°C due to degradation to the terminations and the resistor film.

Current noise is expressed as the ratio of the rms value of the current noise voltage to the applied voltage. The magnitude of this noise is dependent on the resistive material, chip length, and termination materials. Noise increases with resistance value and shorter case length in thick film resistors. Thin film resistors exhibit low noise levels in all case sizes and resistance values.